Which key themes have emerged from your work in 2022?
Some themes have emerged from myself to continue to work on it:
1. The fact of the time and the diverse ways in which each one cope with that. Here, I would also put rythms in the quotidian life, and how the differences modulate the relationships among us.
2. Self-compassion and self-care have been important themes working with my clients. How to balance the demands and exigences of the environment with the needs of the person.
3. Listening to the body memory, with a care, supportive and attentive way.
Where will you focus your professional development in 2023?
I am developing a personal project regarding training in DMT together with my personal web page so I can present my services in the areas I have an expertise and I think I can collaborate. Also, I am willing to continue to inspire and impulse the research in DMT.
What are your wishes for TAOMI and the course participants in 2023?
I feel that TAOMI is offering a very professional, supportive and loving space for participants (at least in the courses I have participated). I would like this way to do thinks continue and expand offering interesting approaches to different themes. For instance, I think the courses about “Grief and Loss” or “Breath and Touch” were really interesting. Perhaps, I missed more time with the curators (but I understand this is a financial issue) in order to go in deep with the themes.
Rosa Maria Rodriguez Jimenez
Dance Movement psychotherapist, researcher. President EADMT