TAOMI blog

World Arts and Embodiment Forum 2023

TAOMI is excited to join the World Arts & Embodiment Forum as Event Partner.
WAEF is a global event platform to support the development of the creative arts and somatics in a wide range of fields within education and therapy, including healthcare and wellness, performing arts, community arts and other allied professions. The theme of WAEF2023 to be held in a hybrid format in February – April this year is Stabilization, Innovation & Breakthrough – Cultivating Resilience through the Embodied Arts.

TAOMI founders Susan Scarth and Julia Morozova will take part in WAEF2023 as speakers. Among other panelists Susan, who is also a WAEF2023 curator, will present a dynamic dialogue engaging diverse arts and embodied perspectives on meeting trauma and building resilience. Julia will share her insights on dance movement therapy through natural landscape. Please see www.waef2023.org for more information and registration.

WAEF 2023 consists of four Summits: Dance Therapy & Movement Therapy (DT/MT), Creative Movement (CM), Laban Bartenieff Movement System (LBMS) and Authentic Movement (AM) which are ineluctably entwined disciplines addressing the fundamental law of human movement, its application and evolution to mystical and spiritual practice. Pre-Conference will be held online on February 25 and March 3/4, 2023. Early bird registration is until January 31.

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